Google rolled out its new recommendations feature, “Search Console Recommendations,” which gives website owners actionable insights to enhance their site optimization and increase their visibility on Search.
What are Search Console recommendations?
Google’s new feature takes data from numerous Google Search tools to create tailored tips for each website to help with indexing, crawling, and serving.
Much of the data recommendations will use is already available in Search, but Google says its update will make it more accessible for site owners, who can then use it to take actionable SEO steps.
Google announced the launch on Google Search Central:
- We are excited to announce Search Console recommendations, a new feature that provides websites with optimization opportunities and suggests actions they can take to improve their presence on Google Search.
And described Search Console recommendations as:
- “A feature that provides websites with optimization opportunities and suggests actions they can take to improve their presence on Google Search.”
- “The data was already available to you on Search Console, but now we’re helping to make it more accessible by providing direct recommendations.”
Here’s a Google screenshot of new recommendations in Search Console:
Recommendations and SEO
Google recommendations will focus on three key categories to assist site owners and SEO professionals in prioritizing the SEO:
- Internal issues: Recommendations will highlight areas of your website you could enhance to improve performance.
- External opportunities: Suggestions for areas where you could improve your traffic.
- Configuration: Recommendations to help you efficiently manage your website.
Recommendations are not static
The new feature regularly computes its recommendations and tips, so they can change with time, but it’s their fluid nature that ensures site owners receive the most relevant suggestions.
Google confirmed this:
- “Recommendations are updated on a regular basis, which means they might expire and change over time.”
Google also wrote that it won’t display recommendations if it has none:
- “Note that even after complete rollout, we’ll only provide recommendations when we have a recommendation available for your website.”
Experimental stage
Google ensures easy access to the new feature by displaying it on your Search Console overview page, where you will see recommendation insights and tips for improving your site’s performance.
However, not everyone will see it because the new recommendations feature is experimental, and the rollout process will be gradual.
Google informs site owners about limited access on the Google Console Help Page, saying:
However, Google said it will slowly introduce the recommendations to all sites over the coming months.
What it could mean for SEO
Google’s move to consolidate SEO insights and display them in an easy-to-understand way enables website owners and SEO professionals to identify and make necessary improvements for effective search optimization.
While we won’t know the new feature’s full impact immediately, its release reaffirms Google’s commitment to helping site owners and publishers reach their target audience by making search optimization accessible, understandable, and actionable.